Many people ask, what is astrology? Is it scientific knowledge or quackery? Our answer to this question is that it is neither the former nor the latter. With the tools of modern science, it is impossible to prove or disprove the influence of the luminaries on human destiny.

In our opinion, astrology is an extra-scientific, spiritual way of knowing, projecting and even changing the future. This means that learning must take place only in conjunction with a person’s spiritual and energetic development.

What does astrology mean in scientific terms? It is a group of predictive practices that postulate the influence on human destiny of celestial bodies, their movement across the sky and their mutual location in relation to each other.

The first, most primitive astrological practices reliably documented as far back as 40,000 years ago. The existence of predictive astrology in ancient Mesopotamia is documented. The first documented individual astrological predictions are dated V-VI centuries. Finally, the tradition of individual astrology was formed by the end of the 1st century BC with the 12-month calendar and the works of the Greek thinkers Ptolemy and Astrampsychus.

The Indian school of astrology originated in the Greek tradition, but very soon began to develop independently. In particular, Indian astrologers developed the concept of lunar houses and chorar astrology. In Europe, since the Middle Ages, the emphasis has been on honing the mathematical apparatus. Thus, the tops of horoscopes were tied to the astronomical coordinates of the celestial sphere, the planets were defined precisely, etc.

What is natal astrology?

It describes a person’s character and predicts the key moments of their destiny by the date and place of their birth. The more accurate the date, preferably down to the minute, the more accurate the natal chart of the person. But it’s important not only to get the natal chart right, but also to interpret it correctly. Interpretation is performed at several profound levels:

  • Basic – takes into account only classical interpretation (positioning of planets, interpretation of lots, etc.) and natural astrological aspects. Performed by beginning astrologers. In astrology, the basic level is considered uninformative and of little use;
  • Advanced – made by experienced astrologers for people with a high degree of self-awareness. Advanced level interpretation allows one to change life for the better by examining the psycho-astrological aspects of the natal chart and giving recommendations not only on a natural level, but also on a spiritual-creative level;
  • Irrational. At this level, interpretation encompasses the irrational layers of consciousness and their interaction with social egregors. An astrologer who has reached the irrational level of interpretation is able to reveal problems and make corrections through the bioenergetic level of interaction both with the person himself and with the surrounding reality.