Astrology is not just an analysis of the natal charts of people and determining their fate, but in principle a very large complex of various predictive tools that can be used both in relation to one particular person and entire states.

Any person interested in astrology can and will face the fact that there are completely different types of astrology, which may have almost nothing in common with each other. This diversity appeared due to the spread of astrology in various regions of the world. It is believed that the very first ideas about astrology originated in the area of ​​​​the lands of the Sumerian-Akkadian civilization, and from there they began to spread towards the West. Thus appeared Arabic astrology, Greek and various others. At some point, astrology reached India, which contributed to the creation of a separate branch of astrology, known to us as Jyotish, in other words, Vedic astrology.

Historical division of branches of Astrology

Arabic Astrology

Arabic astrology dates back to around the 5th century AD and reached its peak around the 9th and 10th centuries. It can be said that astrology continued to flourish in Arabic culture until the 15th century. Already around this period, she began to be persecuted by religious organizations and individual fanatics.

Arabic astrology brought us the system of houses, directions, the concept of lots and parses. In principle, we can say that until a certain time, Arabic astrology was one of the most developed branches of astrological thought. It is known that among the Arab figures there were also such persons who were also known for their astrological knowledge. At least these include Avicenna and Omar Khayyam.

Vedic Astrology (JYOTISH)

This direction, as is already known, developed in India during the early Middle Ages. The very idea of ​​the Zodiac Signs and their corresponding Constellations formed the basis of the Vedic teaching of astrology. At the moment, it is known that Vedic astrology relies precisely on the position of the constellations relative to the Earth. Also, in Vedic astrology, horary astrology was actively used, which allows you to answer questions by analyzing the horoscope compiled at the time of their announcement.

In Vedic astrology, there is an idea that the zodiac circle is divided into 27 constellations, the so-called nakshatras of 13 ° 20 ‘. Particular attention is paid to the interaction of the planets with each other. In Vedic astrology, the planets are most prominently identified with real Indian deities, which forms a certain system of relations between all celestial bodies. This system is based on the mythological features of Indian culture.

Western Astrology

It is believed that the origin of Western astrology is based in systems that came to us from Babylon and were formed under the influence of Greek culture. In a more or less confirmed form, Western astrology was formed by the first centuries of our era. This type of astrology was quite widespread in the regions of modern Europe, but it was by the 18th century that it began to gain popularity again. During the Inquisition, astrologers were persecuted, which created great difficulties for any adequate development of this type of activity. Western astrology was largely focused on the creation of forecasts based on the influence of the planets and realized in the form of specific events.

The main difference between Western astrology and Vedic astrology, for example, is that Western astrology relies on the tropical zodiac, which is tied to the equinoxes. The Tropical Zodiac consists of twelve 30-degree ecliptic sectors, named after the constellations above us. However, one does not equal the other, as the constellations do not currently correlate as strongly with these ecliptic sectors.

Western astrology currently recognizes 10 celestial bodies, which include: the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. Also in Western astrology, the lunar nodes are used, which largely came to us from Vedic astrology. Some astrologers also use Arabic dots, such as the pars of fortune, and the fictitious planets Lilith and Selene. At the moment, the use of the asteroid Chiron and the fictitious planet Proserpina is common.

If in Vedic astrology much attention is paid to the Moon, then in Western astrology they put more emphasis on the Sun. Within the framework of Western astrology, such a system as the Solar was created – a forecast based on the moment the Sun returns to the very point where the sun was at the time of birth.

Kabbalistic Astrology

Such a Jewish philosophical doctrine as Kabbalah is known, and one cannot bypass it without saying that astrology and astrological meanings are also used in this system. Kabbalah is believed to have originated within Judaism around the 16th century and developed as an esoteric interpretation of the Torah. The most famous element of Kabbalah is known as the “tree of the Sephiroth (life)”, the so-called scheme of the structure of the world. In this scheme, there are 10 sefirot, 7 of which correspond to the planets of the septener, that is, the planets known to the ancient astrologers. The Septener planets are: Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. The Kabbalists themselves did not use astrology for forecasts, but they used astrological symbols and meanings, correlating them with the positions on the “sephiroth tree”.

Other types of Astrology

We also know such a Chinese astrology bazi, which we rely on when we name a particular year in honor of some animal. For example, the year of the dog or the rat. This astrology practically does not intersect with the above, it has its own separate system of symbols and interpretations. Also, this system has its own way of forecasting and analyzing the current situation.

Some argue that the Mayan calendar confirms the existence of Mayan and Aztec astrology, but no reliable knowledge of these directions has been preserved. At the moment, there are various remakes built on the conjectures and fantasies of various authors.

Among modern trends, Celtic astrology also stands out, which is mainly based on the idea of ​​the relationship of lunar months with various plants and trees. There is a parallel with the Celtic alphabet, called Ogham. However, this direction is also a kind of remake, which has not been fully confirmed by historical documents or other sources.

Modern Western Astrology

Now let’s talk in more detail about Western astrology and the tools that are used in it.

Natal Astrology

It has gained its distribution precisely in modern times and thanks to all available technologies. Since in ancient times people for the most part did not have the opportunity to record the exact time of birth, and did not even think about it, this industry was available exclusively to the royal court, where the birth of heirs was nevertheless celebrated and celebrated in sufficient detail. However, could they lie if the child was conceived before marriage? some historical figures later hid their dates of birth precisely for this reason, not wanting to lie to others about their birthday.